I'm very happy you posted the games again, however I really think you should post sky break as well, it might not the best, and it had drama around it but still, I think it should be preserved, it shows how much you have grown as a developer since then.
I would be be very grateful if you would post it and I hope you are doing well :)
Este juego es hermoso, bellisimo, tantos años de que salió...
Aun espero una actualización más plis XD no lo dejen morir
Pueden añadir más materiales más mundo abierto osea más biomas marinos más enemigos más cosas que hagan que el juego sea más grande y hermoso, es bellisimo, y se gana mis respetos siempre, tal vez nuevos biomas enemigos armas y más piensen en eso y si algún día lo actualizan espero novedades de las gods como su juego hermoso
Hope everyone is doing well. Beautiful Game. I am asking the creators if they can add Resolution Screen Output Options, and to mention a True Creative SANDBOX Mode means everything is available now, no limit, no need to gather resources, and possibly a GOD Mode, or not need for food, air, battery recharge, etc. If those options can be added, either ON, of OFF, to customize the Creative Sandbox Mode, that would be an improvement. For Game Mode, Challenge Mode for certain Conditions, with Good Time Limit, or no Time Limit, with Good Starting Funds, that will be great to find Challenges. Lastly, if the Audio, Music Soundtrack could play in basic STEREO instead of Monoraul, not really necessary, but would add to the wow experience. GREAT PROGRAM AWESOME IDEA, AND this game will make people play for a long time.
Is there any way to change the resolution? I can only see Load Game and Options on the main menu with everything else cut off and trying to look through the game's directory, I can't seem to find any sort of config file.
i want you to know that I absolutely love this game, I wish so much that we could have gotten a sequel, however, if I am able to get a team I may be up to the idea of making one myself
Indeed, I wanted the player to have the goal in mind (having "Sky" in the title makes it clear for me), and I did not want to have a name directly water related as many games with an underwater parts were "heavy" and not fun to play. (for instance, that is why you are walking and not swimming in farsky).
Thank you! I already finish, heh, adventure mode at least, got scared with those shark and fish with lights, more as how they approach and open their mouths :o
nothing wrong with the game, I meant, I love it, more the dynamic, similar to Planet Crafted and Subnautica, Love it all, crafting, the resources We collected, I got sad when I finish, But gladly! I can use the submarine and still playing, so It's not over at all, huh! :)
Thank you very much for releasing this for free. It will allow everyone to enjoy it and also let us share it with those who haven’t had the chance to experience it.
Do you think there’s a chance in the future you would release the source code? We would really love to create a community around modding it.
I gave some thoughts about going open source, but I am not ready for this yet, plus I don't want any issue with the musician (Lapse) who did the musics. So no, not open source..
Thanks for replying to me on this subject. I can understand your reasons behind it now. You could remove the music some time in the future when you’re ready to release it as it’s more about the legacy of the game than the music for us that are interested in keeping it alive.
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I'm very happy you posted the games again, however I really think you should post sky break as well, it might not the best, and it had drama around it but still, I think it should be preserved, it shows how much you have grown as a developer since then.
I would be be very grateful if you would post it
and I hope you are doing well :)
Wonderful game,
Something that might help with resolution issues, is to make sure your Windows display scale is set to 100%.
Windows Settings > System > Display > Scale and Layout
As this messes with the game especially on a 4K TV with 300% scale set.
I own it on Steam but I imagine it is still an issue here.
Lovely game. I have it on Steam. :)
Este juego es hermoso, bellisimo, tantos años de que salió...
Aun espero una actualización más plis XD no lo dejen morir
Pueden añadir más materiales más mundo abierto osea más biomas marinos más enemigos más cosas que hagan que el juego sea más grande y hermoso, es bellisimo, y se gana mis respetos siempre, tal vez nuevos biomas enemigos armas y más piensen en eso y si algún día lo actualizan espero novedades de las gods como su juego hermoso
Hope everyone is doing well. Beautiful Game. I am asking the creators if they can add Resolution Screen Output Options, and to mention a True Creative SANDBOX Mode means everything is available now, no limit, no need to gather resources, and possibly a GOD Mode, or not need for food, air, battery recharge, etc. If those options can be added, either ON, of OFF, to customize the Creative Sandbox Mode, that would be an improvement. For Game Mode, Challenge Mode for certain Conditions, with Good Time Limit, or no Time Limit, with Good Starting Funds, that will be great to find Challenges. Lastly, if the Audio, Music Soundtrack could play in basic STEREO instead of Monoraul, not really necessary, but would add to the wow experience. GREAT PROGRAM AWESOME IDEA, AND this game will make people play for a long time.
This game will no longer update
Is there any way to change the resolution? I can only see Load Game and Options on the main menu with everything else cut off and trying to look through the game's directory, I can't seem to find any sort of config file.
Game saves and config are on AppData (windows), but the config file can’t be opened by a text editor
I played this game long time ago, but damn it's on itch.io now??? I can have hopes this game will get bigger and longer?
It’s not updating anymore, see this
if you do see this tim
i want you to know that I absolutely love this game, I wish so much that we could have gotten a sequel, however, if I am able to get a team I may be up to the idea of making one myself
I hope where ever you are you are doing alright
I'm down for helping with the writing and world design
sure, got anywhere we can talk?
Sure, pick one on my linktree https://linktr.ee/Jamestdg
Hi, i downloaded this game booted it up and almost immediately it shuts off. Any solutions??
I have java BTW
Totally agreeing
It could be that you don’t have a sound driver/device, it also happened to me
It could be that you don’t have a sound driver working, it also happened to me
One of my favourite Games. Thank you very much.
Played it back in 2014, cool game
Oh ye mighty farsky dev, please grant we the community some manner of mod support *humble bow*
Makes game about the ocean
Calls it "FarSKY"
Well, the sky is far away until you can build the tech to reach it.
Indeed, I wanted the player to have the goal in mind (having "Sky" in the title makes it clear for me), and I did not want to have a name directly water related as many games with an underwater parts were "heavy" and not fun to play. (for instance, that is why you are walking and not swimming in farsky).
i thought the title made sense once i got in-game, and is quite clever!
Made another video
It is me or it seem like Planet crafter and subnautica?
Please tell me it's not scary, I really want to play!
It’s only a little scary, and it was also released well before Subnautica. If you want to know the story behind it you can read it here.
Thank you! I already finish, heh, adventure mode at least, got scared with those shark and fish with lights, more as how they approach and open their mouths :o
nothing wrong with the game, I meant, I love it, more the dynamic, similar to Planet Crafted and Subnautica, Love it all, crafting, the resources We collected, I got sad when I finish, But gladly! I can use the submarine and still playing, so It's not over at all, huh! :)
Made a video
This is the original game. It is now free. I do not plan to update it. As the company is now over, I felt bad not to share it to everyone.
So... enjoy ! =D
Thank you very much for releasing this for free. It will allow everyone to enjoy it and also let us share it with those who haven’t had the chance to experience it.
Do you think there’s a chance in the future you would release the source code? We would really love to create a community around modding it.
I gave some thoughts about going open source, but I am not ready for this yet, plus I don't want any issue with the musician (Lapse) who did the musics. So no, not open source..
Thanks for replying to me on this subject. I can understand your reasons behind it now. You could remove the music some time in the future when you’re ready to release it as it’s more about the legacy of the game than the music for us that are interested in keeping it alive.
hear me out, what if the open source version had the music taken out? It could be easily reintroduced once an agreement is made between you 2.
thankyou so much for keeping it available to us! and again i'm sorry about what happened with subnautica and everything :C
It's glad to see you 're back!!!